Compatibility mode causing problems

When we render our page (not internet facing yet), it is having issues, but only in IE.

Some things of note:
If I access via internal ip address, it displays correctly, and using F12 to view emulation - document mode I see it as "11".
If I access via FQDN, it displays incorrectly, and using F12 to view emulation - document mode I see it as "7". If I manually change the mode to 11 it will render correctly, but that only works while the developer tools are open.

I've done some research and it pointed to various methods of trying to use X-UA-Compatible options to try and force the IE mode. I have tried adjustments to the theme header.php file, Apache conf file, and .htaccess methods.

We would like to control this from the server side. What options do we have that work well with betheme to force the render mode?


  • edited March 2017
    Made some progress using the Apache config file method and headers module. It seems to be forcing the document mode that I need. I don't actually understand why it is changing the document mode depending on use of FQDN vs IP address.

    Anyway, I noticed several threads of people having similar issues, and perhaps my post will help others in the future. Enable your headers module if needed (on our Debian install this was needed), and then you can add a config line such as:
    Header set X-UA-Compatible IE=Edge

    Restart Apache, test and, hopefully, celebrate.
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