Anchor text not working in muffin builder


Anchor text here: Ongoing Marketing Packages | Project-Based Marketing Work | Website Design

Doesn't link to sections below, built in content of muffin builder. Any ideas? Here's the tagging for each section.

<p><a href="#ongoingmarketing">Ongoing Marketing Packages</a> | <a href="#projectmarketing">Project-Based Marketing Work</a> | <a href="#webdev">Website Design & Development</a></p>

<h3><a id="#ongoingmarketing">Ongoing Marketing Packages</a></h3>
<h3><a id="#projectmarketing">Project Marketing Work</a></h3>
<h3><a id="#webdev">Website Design & Development</a></h3>

All of the coding is in the corresponding content section, is that the issue? If so, how else can I adjust the anchor text? Thank you!


  • Type the id value without the hashtag. And why are you using a tags when you do not need to click them.
    <a href="#ongoingmarketing">Ongoing Marketing Packages</a>
    <h3 id="ongoingmarketing">Ongoing Marketing Packages</h3>
  • Ok will ty. Dur...that worked. Sometimes it's the simplest thing...I needed to be able to have people click to the section they are interested in. Thanks!
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