Click Funnels Pop-Up breaking Parallax Header

edited March 2017 in BeBuilder
Hi There,

My client is linking in Click Funnel opt-ins on there Be Theme website.

We are finding that the pop-ups from Click Funnel are breaking the Parallax header and it is only happening on Be Theme sites.

You can see what is happening here when you click on the "Download Meditations" button:

I was wondering if you have any idea of what or why it is interfering with the parallax and if there might be a workaround.

Please let me know if I can provide any other information that might be helpful. I have copied the button's code below.



<div class="button_align align_center">
<a class="button button_size_1 button_js" href="" data-exit="false">
<span class="button_label">DOWNLOAD MEDITATIONS</span>


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