Sidebar in Sections

Hello, wanted to try Sidebar in sections as per but just cannot find Sidebar options in a Muffin Builder Section.  I have looked and there are videos that show Sidebar option in a Section but I just do not see on in BeTheme Business running latest v17.3

Sidebar in Sections would be great as I can add the sidebar on a couple sections and it will not interfere with wide sections above footer--and we could place just the needed content to the right or left of page.

Please advise on how to turn on Sidebar in Sections in MB, thank you! 


  • Hi,

    we do not have any sidebar option for sections and since long time, you can use Sidebar Widget item instead. But sidebars, can be set for whole pages only and not the sections.

  • OK thanks for info.  Yes Sidebar Widgets work great--thanks for keeping that going.
    It there a way to add a section above the footer, so section will be as wide as footer and not be restricted in width by a sidebar.
    If we implement sidebar, we would like to keep the deep blue "Stay in touch with us" section as wide as footer in, if not we need to do testing and we may have to change color or just move that deep blue section to another location.
    Please advise, and my apologies for all these questions--every theme is different. Rigo 
  • Sorry but this is not possible. If the element is in the content it is bound by the content width.
  • edited April 2017
    OK, will setup some testing pages for look-n-feel with column and different colors for area above footer--just got to make changes. Thanks again.
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