change menu font to italics

I can't find where to
make menu fonts all caps either, but the main problem is i want all my text
italic, so i choose "content" font & style to be "400 regular
italic"  then I choose "main navigation" to be "600 semi-bold"


  • Okay,
    Please write again what do you want to do, slowly:)
    Send a link to your website.
  • my site is:   I'm hoping that I can set the main nav menu to have non-italic fonts but the rest of the site to have italic.

    In betheme options under fonts/size and style, there are several categories.

    the first one is content (i set this to 400 regular italic)

    the third is main menu  ( i set this to 600 semi-bold)

    even though I didn't set the men to italic, it becomes italic.  If i change content to just regular ALL the site becomes non-italic.  For some reason content is overriding the menu option.

  • Ok so now tell me on which element you want the italic font so I can write you custom css
  • all content except the menu should be italic.

  • Hi, sorry but we will not write you custom css for each element on your website to make them italic. You could change it to italic and we could make the menu normal. Make it italic and write back to us.
  • edited April 2017
    okay it's all italic now.  I'm not necessarily asking you to re-write the whole site. But is there any reason the theme setting options are not working the way they are supposed to in the theme settings?

    The problem is that if i'm changing content to italic in the "betheme settings/size & font" it changes the WHOLE site to italic even if i specify headings and menu to NOT be italic.  Do you see what I mean?  WHy provide the option to change individual settings if they are all overridden by the "content" option any way?  I'm thinking it may be a bug in the system.

  • Here you have the css for the menu and headings to be normal.
    1. li {
      font-style:normal !important;
      h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {
      font-style:normal !important;
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