Hotel2 booking form - CF7.

Dear Customer Service!

I downloaded the Hotel2 theme and the Contact Form 7 room element does not work properly. I'm sure I did something wrong.
If possible, please send me the correct code afterwards which will be inserted if the room booking module will be inserted.

Or let me know that I can translate the word "It's where dreams come true" from the Slider homepage.

Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,
    What do you mean it does not work correctly? You have to edit the contact form and set your email, this is the only requirement. To translate the text in the slider, edit the slider and change the text there, it is the first slide with the text only, the rest are the images that appear under the text.
  • Thanks for the reply!

    The problem is that I have reset the theme and just after the CF7 plugin, so the form (3 columns) that is installed on the topic does not appear.
    I thought they could send me manually.

  • No, sorry. If you reset the plugin the contact form will be deleted.
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