Cant upload betheme

I have betheme and try to upload it on my wordpress-webside, the upload start and break up at 10 percent. Than i try to upload it with filezilla und cyberduck, but it doesnt work. The FTP-ptogrammm doesnt connect with my webside. what should i do ? 


  • Hi,
    Please connect with your FTP account, if you do not how, contact your hsoting provider for guideance. Then install the theme on your server manually (first unzip the theme on your pc)
    The problems with installing the theme normaly are caused by the server and its limits.
  • Hey,
    i cant connect with my FTP account. I´ve tryed to upload betheme via cpanel --> filemanager and it almost works, but a stylesheet is missing. 
    Should i extract the zipdata and upload all the data?
  • Yes, if you want to install the theme manually you need to extract it and paste the folder.
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