Missing pre-packaged plugins

Dear Support-Team,

trying to get BeTheme running and I'm getting the following message:
Download fehlgeschlagen. Es wurde keine gültige URL übermittelt.
Download not possible. No valid URL transmitted.

How can I solve this Problem, seems the plugin package is damaged?!



  • Hi,
    Please try to download and install the theme again with the plugins. Use our latest version.
  • Sorry, there was to little information in my first message. 
    It's about the recommended Slider Revolution pluggin. I installed everything again and still it says that it can't find the plugging ... although it should be prepackaged.

  • If WordPress does not see the plugins, then maybe you installed betheme-no-plugins.zip file? In such case, we suggest to get the plugins from /plugins/ folder from main TF package and install them as any other plugins.
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