Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • + I make use a lot of "clearbottom" and "halfbottom" pre-defined classes.
    One makes the margin 0px for an element, the other makes it 20px instead of 40px.
    Having a radio button (  ) Clear bottom margin (  ) Half-size bottom margin (20px) (  ) Fullsize margin (40px) 
    would be great.

  • Suggestion for YouTube embedded Videos:
    The latest video of a YouTube channel could update automatically. So poeple havent coping the YouTubes sharing link manually. Other plugins show the whole YT Feed with all of the channels videos. My suggestion is for only one single video, the latest one.
  • Suggestion for Table of Content with flexible options such as size, headings vs numbers, custom etc. There is not a table of content plugin or option on BeTheme and I have used your builder on a lot of websites. I think this is becoming more and more of an imperative feature that needs to be added. I know many over the years have asked for this and BeThemes stance is we dont support 3rd party plugins, well that time has come due to a new algo update using Passages Indexed. ( I have really enjoyed BeTheme, but if you guys cant do something simple, which may have a very large impact on website optimization I will need to look at other options in the future.
  • To be able to use BeTheme code in excerpts, this is really missing imo.

    For example this code: [icon type="icon-location" color=""]
    Now you can't; the code isn't rendered and just showing as plain code.   :-(
  • Hello

    can you add Instagram icone for sharing on social network at the bottom of articles ? this network is missing

  • edited October 2020
    Hello Muffin,.tb_button {padding:1px;cursor:pointer;border-right: 1px solid #8b8b8b;border-left: 1px solid #FFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;}.tb_button.hover {borer:2px outset #def; background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;}.ws_toolbar {z-index:100000} .ws_toolbar .ws_tb_btn {cursor:pointer;border:1px solid #555;padding:3px} .tb_highlight{background-color:yellow} .tb_hide {visibility:hidden} .ws_toolbar img {padding:2px;margin:0px}

    Your betheme one of the most flexible and one of my favourite theme but some time i need to purchase some other theme just for few reason like eCommerce feature and look

    Some theme are

    porto,rehub,electro,woodkart, etc

    your theme almost complete but it come to build a proper eCommerce website then betheme may have a minus point 

    So my suggestion is please add some eCommerce header and footer style, add search bar style and must be able to customise each and every part of that header & search bar option

    For more idea you can use porto & flatsome they have one of the best eCommerce back-end feature and electro for frontend style 

    these theme provide both the options like build business website and eCommerce 

    If possible provide your own frontend and backend builder instead of element or wp bakery  

    hope we got these feature in future update. 

    .tb_button {padding:1px;cursor:pointer;border-right: 1px solid #8b8b8b;border-left: 1px solid #FFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;}.tb_button.hover {borer:2px outset #def; background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;}.ws_toolbar {z-index:100000} .ws_toolbar .ws_tb_btn {cursor:pointer;border:1px solid #555;padding:3px} .tb_highlight{background-color:yellow} .tb_hide {visibility:hidden} .ws_toolbar img {padding:2px;margin:0px}
  • Well, including a customizable ajax filter for product categories (woocommerce) and a load more nutton for woocommerce shop would be aweesome!
  • And also make possible to show in shop/single product page woocommerce a image carousel.
  • use grid or flexbox for your layouts
  • I see that under Theme Options> BLOG, PORTFOLIO, SHOP > Navigation > Prev/Next Post Navigation > is an option to choose: Navigate in the same category excluding Shop

    Would like to use it on shop, so then visitor use arrows on products, it would show only products under this category.
  • edited November 2020
    It would be great to add image in equal columns height with link and hover effect.

  • Hey Guys 

    2 Columns in mobile 

  • Hi there

    I think that it would be important (in particular when using your header builder) to set up a way choose the breakdown point in screen resolution to switch to the mobile/toggle menu.

    Now there is no way to do that and I have some problem with middle resolutions.

    Thank you

  • hello

    I would like a search function for text and code created by the Betheme.

    Wordpress Pages and Posts are basic features. 

    This is very convenient.

    However, Betheme allows only text and is time-consuming.


    Another request.

    I want an [external link] icon for the icon.


  • Need a cookie consent box

  • Woocommerce desktop checkout page with 2 columns, where address and notes are on the left, and order summary and creditcard payment on the right.

  • Please give an option of spacing between blog posts on the Masonry Tile feature. It looks too busy having everything clumped together and tightly packed in. A way to add margins or padding between posts would look so much smarter.

    Thank you

  • Please Support a new Contact Form Tool (Ninja Form) so we have problems with the new Version from Contact Form 7 with Version 5.2 and the Betheme Theme. A new Contact Form Tool was great.

  • Cookie consent popup would be great

    Customized WordPress Login screen would also be great

  • HI

    1-In portfolio posts , there is no option for custom css !

    Please add it , because I want to use some css for specific post only.

    2-portfolio Item don't support video , even in light box

  • WP Query Offset option for blog items

  • Hi

    Please add font-display:swap; ,

    because google light house and gtmetrix give me warning , I'm using the custom font.


  • We would like to get something like lazy blocks for Gutenberg, in order to be able to create the blocks for our clients for elementor or muffin page builder, that have individual design and still easy to handle in back end for unexperienced editors. :)

  • I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but I just learned that the Muffin Builder does not have a preview mode. PLEASE add a preview mode, this feels like a super key feature.

  • I have the following feature requests / improvement suggestions for the side slide navigation on desktop:

    1) Add keydown action to allow close ESC keypress

    2) Allow to set the width in percent (%) and not only pixel values

    3) Close the side slide if you click on a navigation item (works on real links, because page is reloaded, but works not on anchor links (#abc))

    (I already managed to get all 3 points done with a few lines of code - see


  • option to control the page scrolling speed (eg. on the scroll anchor links)

  • Compatibility with RankMath for Muffin Builder was sooo nice.


  • Please add possibility to use elementor or other page builder on 404 page and make the possibility to show header and footer there.

  • Hello,

    Header Builder?

    1. It would be lovely toI change the PX number to a higher number like the Screenshot.
    2. it would be nice if we can add our own Fonts trom the theme Options in this menu.
    3. it would be nice if we can change the normal Menu from the Header Builder to a Mega Menu.

  • As well as the blog posts can be set as "sticky" (should remain at the top of The Loop), it would be nice if you you include the same for the *Portfolio* items, along with the **expire date**.

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