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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Thank you, that worked. Is there any ways how I could make the counter responsive too? Because I used the move up options it is not rensponsive now and when I make the screen smaller it collides with the text. Also I don't know why but in smaller r…
  • I have done as you said but the problem remains.  The button on live still does not hover effect as in the preview mode does. Also noticed that the button is not responsive at all. When I make the screen smaller the button is still of the same size…
  • Thank you a lot, I managed to do almost all the changes I needed with that code: Still could not change the underline of the active link. The option you sent me a picture of change both active link and underline, but I need to change just the under…
  • Thank you! The move up field has done the trick. I have one more question about the counter. How can I please get rid of the lines in the background of the counter? Every time I create a counter these lines are always there and don’t know how t…
  • Thank for your answer, I have been trying hard to get the result I want but I still cant achieve it. The website is still work in progress but I already uploaded it from local to live since I really don’t know how to solve these customization. Would…
  • Hi Pablo, I see, that's a pitty. How can I add least add a counter so it would be positioned in a picture? Not in the Revolution Slider plugin, but in general when editing a page. Thanks 
  • Hi Pablo, thank you for the reply. My page is offline now but you don't need to be it live in order to answer my questions. It would not help you in any way, I am asking about customization of the action button and sticky header.  I could send you …