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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • But now I see that the code of menu is 5th times duplicated... https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/481/NK8HVLKI57LB.png
    in CLS Comment by rszrdk April 2023
  • It looks like with the template header, after I added mobile header, problem has disappear. Can you check if I am right? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/888/6E8QYC39HYGK.png
    in CLS Comment by rszrdk April 2023
  • Thank you, is it possible to create a header template menu with Elementor Pro? Maybe I can find there a better solution. Do you have any specific plans for making a burger menu more customizable?
  • Can you share some examples of burger menus made in a template mode that have better UX style? There is little you can do in a template mode with a burger... but maybe there are some examples of costume styling I can look into and copy.
  • I've changed all the links in the database in the test vesrion. Now you can check the paulina-ryszard.pl.
    in CLS Comment by rszrdk April 2023
  • I want to disable a link in an active minus button. Now when you click the plus button, you cannot close it by clicking the minus, because you are redirected to a pag after clicking the minus button.
  • I have sent the passwords for the test version. You can edit it freely. Thanks, Ryszard
    in CLS Comment by rszrdk April 2023
  • Not really, i made a test version of the page, disable all plugins and the problem is with the template. Everything is fine with blog posts, mcb-background-overlay might has issues, but: #Top_bar, #Header_wrapper, .mcb-background-overlay { max-hei…
    in CLS Comment by rszrdk April 2023