Mixed homepage

I would like to insert on my homepage a mix of projects and news.
They should appear on a masonry grid but with different aspects. Images for my projects and text for my news, like on the Bejournalist homepage.
I guess, projects have to refer to portfolio, and news to blog.
How could I do that?


  • Hi,

    you can not mix portfolio and blog posts. Portfolio is portfolio but blog is blog. Those 2 items can be used separately only.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Thank you for your answer.
    Would it be possible in this case to set all of my content in portfolio or blog and to make them appear with different styles based on their category.
    Ex: everything is set in portfolio and I define a special template for the news (with muffin builder). Then if I check news in categories, they will appear on my homepage with a special design.
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