Retina 2x 404 error

Hello! I was trying to enhance my web perfomance so when i was analysing the waterfall in some load page evaluators i realized that there was several 404 errors, all of them with this format "...exampleimage2x." I know that we are talking about a problem with some resources (images) which try to be loaded in high resolution screens. It is clear that "exampleimage" exists but not "exampleimage2x". What can i do?  


  • Hi,

    this feature is reserved for retina displays. If you want to use different images on retina displays, you should always upload all images with the same name and @2x title as well. However, if you don't want to use retina feature, please deactivate it under Theme options > Addons & Plugins > Addons section where Retina.js | Disable option is.

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