Change Menu color

Hi guys,
Just installed BeTheme and uploaded Extreme Layout to start using it. Got a few questions.
If I want to use different pages from different layouts, how can I do so without overwriting everything by importing the layout? Is it possible to import just one page from one layout in a different layout? Don't know if you can understand what I mean.

Also, I'm trying to change the color of the pink line under each Menu item ( but can't figure it out. I don't give you the url because it's currently offline, but it's the same as Extreme anyway. I've tried all the combinations under BeTheme Options/ Colors or Menus but can't find the way to do it.

thanks for the help,


  • Hi,

    we are sorry but this is not possible what you are trying to do. If you want to import different demos, you must create separate instances for every demo. Each demo got own settings and that's why you can not import 2 or more different demos on one wordpress.

    But to change those pink borders under menu items, please use below css:
    .header-transparent #Top_bar .menu > li > a::after { background: #000 !important; }
  • Ok thanks. I found the exact same snippet in the Custom CSS section but with the pink color. If I only change this instead of adding the new snippet will it change with next update? Or Custom Css doesn't change with updates? 

    As for the layouts thing. I don't like the footer from Extreme, I like the one from the default template. Is there a way I can import that section only to gain time?? 

  • Ah and now I can't figure out how to change the color from the action bar phone numbers and email from pink to blue... Could you please help me?

  • Yes, you can change this snippet under Custom CSS section of course. And also, you won't lose it while updates because all settings are stored in database.

    But the answer on 2nd question you will find on
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