Bug Zoom Box v10.6

  1. I wanted to point out a bug with the " zoom box ".
    There is a responsive display problem on version 1.6.


  • Hi,

    what version you mean? 1.6 theme version or what? If that's what you mean, you must use very old theme version because currently we have 10.6 version. But if you did a mistake in versions and you meant 10.6 version, then please send us url to page where you have a problem and we'll have a look on it.

  • edited December 2015
    Sorry, I was wrong , I meant 10.6 and 10.5. I do not use version 10.6 , I returned to 10.5 for not the display problem .
  • But we use recent version always and we do not see anything like on your screenshot above. If you would install theme for tests and would set this item, we'll check what may be wrong on your side.
  • edited December 2015
    OK thanks for your answer. I work on the site localhost, when it will be online, I will send you the page with the problem link .

    I just made the upgrade to the 10.7 and the problem is still there. If I go back to version 10.5 no problems.

    If I install version 10.7 but I replaced the file " responsive.css " by that of the 10.5, I have no problem .

    If I can find or that comes before , I'll post my solution here .

    Good day
  • edited July 2017
    I just installed version 10.7 on another wordpress, this does not work either .

    If one reduces the page as a tablet, the bug appears .
  • Thanks for this link. We did checked this and it's not a bug. This is how new wrapper works. Wrapper has been increased to be compatible with larger devices likes iPhone 6+, etc. Current images are too small and that's why how it looks like. In newest version, images for mobile devices should be minimum 700px width.
  • Thanks for your answer !
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