Scale images in portfolio style "Masonry Hover Description"
In my portfolio page images with the original size seem to appear (and not scaled images).
Which size-name is used for this masonry portfolio?
I regenerated thumbnails for size-names "portfolio-mf" and "portfolio-list" to a maximum width of 321 pixels (via the plugin "Simple Image Sizes"), but still the original image size is presented, which results in a long load time of this page.
I also changed the "portfiolio-list" size manually to a width of 321 in the file "theme-functions.php". But with no effect on the portfolio page.
I have a simular issue width the images in the portfolio slider in for example the following page:
Current sizes in "theme-functions.php":
if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) {
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
set_post_thumbnail_size( 260, 146, false ); // admin - featured image
add_image_size( '50x50', 50, 50, false ); // admin - lists
add_image_size( 'portfolio-mf', 960, 750, true ); // blog, portfolio - flat, grid, masonry
add_image_size( 'portfolio-mf-w', 960, 375, true ); // portfolio - masonry flat wide
add_image_size( 'portfolio-mf-t', 480, 750, true ); // portfolio - masonry flat tall
add_image_size( 'portfolio-list', 321, 450, true ); // portfolio - list
add_image_size( 'blog-single', 1200, 480, true ); // blog - single
add_image_size( 'blog-navi', 80, 80, true ); // blog - sticky navigation, widget
add_image_size( 'clients-slider', 150, 75, false ); // clients
// since 9.4 - please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails
add_image_size( 'slider-content', 1630, 860, true ); // slider - content
add_image_size( 'testimonials', 85, 85, true ); // testimonials
this is how this feature works. Backgrounds for those images does not have any thumbnails so images can have their own, original sizes.
Muffin uses the same image as used in the "single portfolio", for instance: the workaround would be to use a smaller scaled image (or a lower quality image) in the single portfolio? to have a faster load time?