Will I lose all of my current Muffin Builder content when I update theme files?
Currently, I am using the BeClinic theme for my website http://narei.com. Obviously, my theme files are outdated because there are newer styles of the BeTheme, for example the Horse Riding one. I am in the process of re-designing the website via MAMP using this theme style. Right now, I am only rebuilding a few pages because I am using a smaller body width and this demo obviously differs a ton from "Clinic". If I apply this to my current site, I'll obviously have to either switch themes (to twenty-twelve probably) then re-upload the theme because my current version does not include the demo data for "Horse Riding" or I will have to move it in via FTP and replace all of the current BeTheme files. I am curious if all of the work I did via the Muffin Builder on my live site will be gone when I do so. If so, that'd be great information to have, this way I can prepare. Hope this wasn't super confusing.
no, you won't lose current content if you will update theme files only. Whole content is stored in database and it's safe while update. But would be great if you can do update thru FTP because this is the safest method and you can always be sure that files transfer properly.