How i can: erase Love Box, translate "Read more", fix The top menu, fix Map Block triangle.

edited November 2015 in Theme support


I'm doing tests on my site.

I encounter the following problem: 

1. How can I erase Love Box when the blog is set on Photo (Horizontal Images) ?

photo attached ->

direkt link:

2. How can I translate "Read more" to another language in Blog mode?

photo attached ->

direkt link:

3. The top menu is working well with Google, but in Safari there is more space under the text then abobe the text. This happens only when scrolling down and up. How can I fix this?

photo attached ->

direkt link:

4.In the Map Block there is a green suare with address info etc. This block has a triangle in the bottom left corner. How can I remove it? I want to do that because it might wrongly be perceived as if the location is where the triangle is.

photo attached ->

direkt link:

5.How can I put the header menu in the center in the mobile version?

photo attached ->

6.How can I change position for meny icon  in the center in the mobile version?

photo attached ->

Thanks and Regads!


  • Hi,

    1) You can remove it with below css:
    .post-footer .button-love a.mfn-love { display: none !important; }
    2) You can do this under Theme options > Translate > Blog & Portfolio section.

    3) Menu items height, can be decreased with below css:
    #Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { line-height: 50px !important; }
    4) You can remove this triangle with:
    .column_map .google-map-contact-wrapper .get_in_touch::after { display: none !important; }
    5) Use below css:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #Top_bar #menu ul li { text-align: center !important; }
    6) Your icon is currently in different place that you showed it on screenshot.
  • edited December 2015
    Thank you very match!

    But i have still problem:

    1. It's not in the center when i have small window like here photo attached ->

    (my first question was not correct sorry)

    6.How can I change position for meny icon  in the center?

    photo attached ->

    6) Your icon is currently in different place that you showed it on screenshot.

    2. It's still not working in Safari desktop (but it not so important)

    3. The top menu is working well with Google, but in Safari there is more space under the text then abobe the text. This happens only when scrolling down and up. How can I fix this?

    photo attached ->

    direkt link:

    3) Menu items height, can be decreased with below css:
    #Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { line-height: 50px !important; }

    Thanks and Regads!
  • 1. @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) {
        #Top_bar a.responsive-menu-toggle { width: 100% !important; }

    2. What does not work in Safari? We do not understand your question at all.

    3. We have no idea what is wrong with your Safari version but on our side everything is fine - look
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