loading other images as max-width

hey support,
is there any option you suggest to load different images depending on screen width in Hover Box?

i just want to load smaller ones for mobile users to make the site run faster.



  • Hi,

    we are sorry but we do not have any such feature included and we can not suggest anything because what you ask for requires a lot of customization.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • edited December 2015
    can you tell me where my way of thinking went wrong, I found some kind of  solution

    1. added a class 'spacer' to the Hover Box I'm interested in
    2. uploaded small (480x60) photos into full-width Hover Box
    3. named photos xxx_small.png
    4. added also bigger imgs named xxx_big.png and xxx_bigger.png
    4. added script to the footer:

    function resizeImages() { var width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; $(".spacer img").each(function() { var oldSrc = $(this).attr('src'); if (width >= 768) { var newSrc = oldSrc.replace('_small.','_bigger.'); var newWidth = 800; var newHeight = 100; } else if ( width >= 480 ) { var newSrc = oldSrc.replace('_small.','_big.'); var newWidth = 1600; var newHeight = 20; } $(this).attr('src',newSrc); $(this).attr('width',newWidth); $(this).attr('height',newHeight); }); }

    and it's still not workin
  • If you will read Item Support Policy, you understand that files customization are not included. What you ask for, requires files customization because first 4 points looks fine so the problem may be with your script. If you don't know what may be wrong, we suggest to contact with your website developer.
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