Main Menu Dropdown

is there any easy solution to have the main menu drop down, to slide down instead of just appearing.

I have added a bottom border to the menu of service, and it would look very nice if it could slide down.


  • Hey,

    if you want "toggle" feature on menu hover, please go to js/ file and replace below code:
    1. var defaults = {
      addLast     : false,
      animation   : 'fade',   
      arrows      : false,
      delay       : 100,
      hoverClass  : 'hover'
    1. var defaults = {
      addLast     : false,
      animation   : 'toggle',   
      arrows      : false,
      delay       : 300,
      hoverClass  : 'hover'
    What we changed was animation to toggle and delay to 300.

    Hope you will like it because this is the only alternative for current/default fade option.
  • PERFECT !!!
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