navigation between (portfolio-) images

edited January 2016 in Portfolio

I'm building a sort of portfolio, but I can't figure out what the best way would be. 
I tried it with the portfolio option: but than I can't change the thumbnails. So I quitted working with the portfolio. Because:
What I have is: square thumbs made of the images of paintings. 
And what I want is: 
1.) a sort of gallery/portfolio page where you can see the thumbs, and when you click on the thumb you'll see the whole painting. 
2.) navigation between the enlarged images

Now I have got this:
Made with muffin builder and just inserted every painting with  'image-item'. So, my 'portfolio' page with thumbs and enlarged paintings are done. But: now I just want a navigation left/right to the following painting or the painting before. Without going back to the thumbs.

I hope you can and will help me, thank you a lot in advance!



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