Z index for several backgroung images


I'm trying to re-create this site http://www.quiveutpisterparis.com/ with Be theme. I don't want to modifiy the html of the Be theme if possible.

I've tried to add a 2 wraps with a custom style to add some background images. I thought I could manage to organize the z index of the wrap to put it behind other elements but so far I didn't manage to do it : http://quiveutpisterparis.com/qvpp-v2/accueil/

Is it possible ? If yes how ?

Thanks in advance for your help



  • Hi Philippe,

    without files customization, it won't be possible unfortunately. Also, please understand that customization is not included and if you don't know how to do some things, we suggest to contact with your website developer because files customization are inevitable.

    Thanks for understanding!
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