Error importing callcentre demo rev slider content

Installed WP, theme as a child, all good. However, I have installed the call centre demo, again good, but when I go to import the revolution slider I get an error that "Cannot create the directory" and it doesn't import. 

I guess it's a directory permission error, but can't figure out what I need to do to get it to work. 

Installed on AWS, multisite, Ubuntu es2. Everything else installs fine, just this.



  • Hi Steve,

    you supposed to contact with your admin and ask him for that. Sounds like folders does not have right permissions and that's why it is so necessary to contact with admin.

  • I am the admin, it's an Amazon Ec2 cloud. I can change the permission, but I don't know what it needs to be. I have google searched and cannot find any info on how to fix.
  • If you are the admin and you don't know what is the problem, the more we have no idea what this could be because we are not the server experts. Anyway, ff you can change permissions, change them to 755 or 777 and check.
  • OF WHAT DIRECTORY, don't be smart, just support me! Just because I manage my hosting, does not mean i know every application. You write this 1 click install product, I bought it, you choose slider revolution, so i would expect you to know more than me about how it works. Further, I cannot get support from them, because I don;'t own slider revolution.
    Don't sit there insulting me, just treat me like the customer I am and support your product.
    If you can't help me, then give me a refund!@ A-hole!
  • @stepengmorton We are supporting you for all the time but we can not be responsible for your server settings. Like we wrote above, we are not admin experts and we don't know which folder supposed to be changed. Also, because we are not plugin author, we don't know where all images are stored. If this would be related with theme, we would be able to tell you what to do but because we are not the author of that plugin, we just don't know. If you don't understand what is included into support, just read the Item Support Policy and you will understand that we can not be responsible for the settings on your server.

    Anyway, if you want a refund, just contact with Envato thru their help center because they are the seller and they provide all refunds.

    Thanks for understanding!
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