[Bug report] Subtitle not working for pricing item when price is not set

I want to show 2 comparing boxes and the price item boxes are great for this purpose. However, when I leave the price empty, the subtitle is also hidden. I think the price shouldn't be a condition on whether to show the subtitle or not.


  • Hi,

    please send us link to page that you are referring to so we can have a look on it.
  • edited December 2015

    Note that as soon as you put in a price, it shows both the price + subtitle.

    This is the code I use:

    [one_third][pricing_item image="http://static.wildgums.com/website/2015/08/fg_logo_simple_128.png" title="Express" currency="euro" currency_pos="left" price="" period="month" subtitle="This is a subtitle I would expect to appear." link_title="Learn more" link="/products/flex-grid" target="" icon="" featured="0" style="box" animate=""]

    [divider height="20" style="default" line="default" themecolor="1"]

    Super feature 1
    Super feature 2
    Super feature 3



    [one_third][pricing_item image="http://static.wildgums.com/website/2015/08/fg_logo_simple_128.png" title="Professional" currency="" currency_pos="left" price="" period="" subtitle="This is a subtitle I would expect to appear" link_title="Learn more" link="/products/flex-grid" target="" icon="" featured="0" style="box" animate=""]

    [divider height="20" style="default" line="default" themecolor="1"]

    Super feature 1
    Super feature 2
    Super feature 3
  • Ok, thanks for the link. You are right about that. Both are connected. So what you can only do is set the price and then just hide it with custom css if you want to display sub-title at this moment. But we'll fix it with next updates of course.

    Thanks for understanding!
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