How can I add HTML code with JS, CSS and a folder of photos (flags) to my Home Page
Good afternoon,
I am a technical person but have no experience with PHP and no experience with WordPress. I have just started doing my first project using Betheme on HostGator. The site is going well, and I have even been able to use the wonderful facilities available and make it bilingual. So far is has been like configuring something. No code-writing skills were required.
Now I have a new requirements. I have to use a custom HTML code which uses Java Script to display a slider for rates in a <DIV>
I have no idea where to start to do so.
In my home page in a WRAP I found an Add Item where I could add a "CODE" component. Then I wasn't sure where to copy or put all the supporting folders this code requires. Then I started searching for my own (already developed) pages in wp-content to be able to guess where the new folder structure goes but I couldn't even find my own pages.
Can someone give me an idea please on how to go about this?
Thank you very much.
the CODE item is not parsing the code. This item is for presenting code. If you want the code to be parsed, you supposed to use COLUMN item instead. But all JS's, should be used under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom JS section.