Be B&W How to create the hover effect

1) How to setting the gallery fade effect (when hover) like the demo? I say regarding the speed of the fade. I would like to recreate the same slowly effect.
2) When I disable "Hide Items Border between" two bars are appearing among the menu options.
Could you help me solve these minor adjustments?
Here's how it is.


  • Hi,

    1) We are sorry but it is unfortunately not possible to make this effect slowly. What you ask for, requires files customization.

    2) So you want to remove those borders between menu items?
  • Thanks for the answer.
    1) Sorry, maybe I expressed myself badly. I would like to use the same hover effect of the demo. Here's ( how it works different from mine (

    2. In this moment there are two borders between menu items. I want remove just one border. 
  • 1) But it works exactly the same on our demo. Maybe you had a cache from previous versions and that's why you saw different effect. We just made sure that recent version is on this demo and as you can see, the effect is exactly the same as on your site. Please notice, there is no way to change the speed of this hover effect.

    2) There is no borders at this moment. Would be great if you can go back with those lines so we can have a look on it once again.
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