
Hi guys,

I'm about to really finish my website and I would like to know which way you recommend to back up completely all my work, in case of having my site hacked!
I see I can export the layout of each page, but does that save everything I did on each page? pics, text, etc...?
In addition to this what would you recommend me to do to back up.

Thanks a lot


  • Hi,

    maybe you can contact with your admin and ask for backup from time when the site has not been hacked? This would be the easiest and fastest way to get back with your site.
  • Hi, I am the admin but not an expert! :) Just want to get prepared in case... Could you please tell me what's the best way to backup BeTheme if there is any different way? Thanks
  • We are not admin experts as well and that's why our admin is responsible for such things. However,  the best way we know is to use Tools > Export section to export the content. Also, under Theme options > Export/Import section you can export theme settings.

    But like we wrote above, the best and safest are server backups so if you are not admin export, you should hire such one to be sure that your server is always safe.
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