Restrict Content


I have a problem with a plugin "Simple WordPress Membership" for restrict pages or content. With this plugin i only have to select the page and restrict it.
When i go to te page in the front-end y can see the content made in the muffin builder, but only hide de content of the wordpress editor. 
¿How can i restrict the Muffin Builder Content?


  • Hi,

    we did never tested this plugin before so we have no idea what may be wrong. When we will finish current updates and features (there is so many of them on our "to do" list) we would be able to have a look on that plugin.

  • I am having the same issue. After reading this comment I decided to try another membership plug-in. I installed Paid Membership pro and ran into the same issue. Can you advise what membership plugs DO work with this theme???
  • The muffin builder content is not from the wordpress page/post "content" and that is why these plugins are falling short on hiding the betheme content.  This is something either you have to fix by not using the muffin builder but rather the core WordPress page editor or something like Visual Composer for content, or the plugin authors need to know how to restrict page/post meta which is what the muffin builder uses to store and load its builder content on the front end.  This pretty much goes for any theme that uses custom page/post meta, which is a fairly popular practice btw.
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