Several tabs with Javascript not working

im trying to create full page tabs, each tab with different javascript content.

For some reason, it seems like Java can't be activated in the 2nd tab. The same problem occurs if i create even more tabs. Only the first (opened from the start) tab works just fine.

Is there a way the java code can be edited to work correctly?

Help would be great.


  • Hi,

    like you said, JS does not work properly with tabs. This item is using JS already that may conflict other scripts. Like you said, script would work in 1st tab only.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • hi, after some reserach i found information that the problem could have something to do with the following: if i click on the second or third tab, the javascript (which is working in the first tab) won't be loaded /activated.

    people mention that there are ways to force the page to load the java function again if is use "click on" the second or third tab.

    im not experienced in java at all and the board i found this is about something complete different ^^

    any ideas how we could make it work?

    it would be the best thing ever!!!!
  • Yes, it's true what you wrote but so far we did not found any solution to make other JS scripts to be compatible with tabs. What we tried so far, does not work unfortunately.
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