Limited background color on Testimonials?

Hi everone, 
After all, great work on this theme.

It's possible limited the color background on testimonials for boxed version?


  • Hi,

    wow we didn`t saw that before :) Please paste below css into Theme options > Layout > Custom CSS section and all will be fine.
    1. .testimonials_slider .slider_images:before { display: none; }
  • Hi, 
    Thanks!! ;) work like a charme.... :D

    Can you help me with another question, in the same location, it´s possible to convert the background to white?

    i trie this but not work :( 

    .testimonials_slider .slider_images:before { display: none; background-color: #ffffff} 
  • For that you need to use below css:
    1. .testimonials_slider .slider_images, .testimonials_slider .slider_images a:after, .testimonials_slider .slider_images:before { background: #000000; }
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