Offer Thumb Slider: Icon Title Tags or Tooltips?

edited January 2016 in Shortcodes

ISSUE #1:  Offer Thumb Slider Icons -- no way to add popup title tags

I have been trying to figure how I might make the Offer Thumb Slider just a little bit more "user-friendly" by adding on-hover Alt / Title tags to each icon?  My client has requested that I help their visitors understand what each Slider Icon is with a tooltip.  Actually a pretty valuable thing if you consider it.  
When a visitor gets to a page with an offer thumb slider, they will have NO IDEA what each icons means or does.  And unless, out of "dedicated curiosity", they click on every icon... they will never have any idea.

So, this is certainly more of a feature request than anything, it seems to me like an easy update, and so very useful.

PLEASE: can you add a "Title Tag" or "Tooltip" option for the icons as applied in a situation like this:  Development Site Demo

NOTE: if you can suggest for me a PHP shortcode override I can write in my child-theme functions.php -- I certainly will.

ISSUE #2: Offer Thumb Slider - no way to position the icons at the TOP (instead of the bottom):
The number of slides & icons that my client has here -- was simply too much to put in a vertical column... they run off the bottom of the page, and together are much taller than the actual content itself.  But the "horizontal" layout you provide puts the icons at the bottom...  For people visiting the site with smaller laptops... these icons would not even be visible at all, falling "below the fold".

SO, I wrote some CSS that "forces" the icons to appear at the TOP of the slider.
It really does seem to me that this shortcode would, again, be much improved if you added this as a built-in feature ( top or bottom placement of icons).

Thank you,



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