Hardbreaks are gone?!?

It's very strange. See this:

All the hard breaks are gone.

However, the hardbreaks are there in the editor itself.

Can I know what happen and how do I resolve it?


  • Hi,

    as we see, this content comes from default WP editor. We did checked the code and there is no hardbreaks inside. Please notice that our theme does not have any impact on it so you should look for a problem somewhere else. Maybe turn off plugins or just re-install WP and theme files but THRU FTP ONLY.
  • edited January 2016
    You are right. The text are back formatted again.

    It's strange. I just need to deactivate all my plugins, activate one by one and till now nothing goes wrong. Perhaps it's just deactivate and activate to "reset" the problem. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Problem must be with one of your plugins then. Good to know that this helped :)
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