Galleries, Portfolio settings. I don't get it. Please help

edited January 2016 in Shortcodes
Please take your time reading this. I know it's a lot but so far the help for this issue from your staff has not satisfied my problem.

I am very frustrated to the fact that there is no EASY way of making a gallery in your theme. It's unbelievable how much time I've wasted with such a simple task. The last time I created a ticket about making a gallery, I was referred to use NextGen Gallery. So, I activated NextGen Gallery and my thumbs and lightbox DO NOT behave the same way as your demos do. So, I scoured your demos until I found exactly what I want to do.

I want to do this, exactly, with my pictures.

This section:

Now, if your reply is to use NextGen Gallery again, then you tell me how every single setting you are using in the NGG settings should be. Because it SEEMS the effects on roll over and click are your native functions by the looks of them.

Alternate way I am considering......below

====ALTERNATIVE 1=====PORTFOLIO===========
Another option I would entertain is doing a portfolio with my images but your instructions on this are very limited. So, I tried that route.
Here are my results of using your shortcodes on the page:

In the examples above as you can see I have a portfolio that is set at 1/1. They spread out to allow 4 thumbs across the top row, then return the last 2 to the next line in full width. I DO NOT want full width so I copied the 1/1 column and dropped it below and made it 3/5 thinking I would then get some space on the sides, nope.

The second column is set to 3/5, but instead of shrinking the thumbs down to accommodate the smaller column it just takes up the entire space of the 3/5 area with one thumb instead of shrinking down the thumbs and filing that space with multiple thumbs!! ARRGGGG. How, Where, do I make the thumbs of the portfolio

If you look towards the bottom of the page with the single image that is nice. But, It doesn't seem to have an option to click the full sized image into your lightbox. How would I accomplish that?

How do I remove these things from the portfolio item page. I only see options for blog to remove them. That doesn't make sense? Also, where is my "featured image" for that post? As soon as I make a Revolution slider the header, my Featured image disappears! Why? Can you fix this?

Portfolio Item page RELATED POSTS:
Why is it that when I activate the  Rev slider it takes the spot of my thumb in the lower "related posts?" This makes no sense at all. Just another frustration. Why is this happening? Can I have the Rev slider AND the proper thumbnail of my "Related Posts" with the Featured Image as indended???

Please tell me with as much details how I can accomplish this.
Thank you for your time.


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