how do i add my custom image to these rather than the default ones? im not seeing that in the markup language being used.. or change the glyth icons color, default seems to be black cheers
@loz007 Because this requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is simply not allowed. If you know coding, then you can do this yourself or if you don't know, you need to contact with your web developer.
the ones with the neat dividers that don't look like the tables. I can't find that in the documentation, I only could find the ones with icons by following your instructions above.
@Saioa You can not find them because these are plain html tags like:
<ul> <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte cons ectetuer tuer adipi sit amet magna scing elit</li> <li>Aliquam tincidunt cons ectetuer mauris eu risus</li> <li>Vestibulum auctor dapibus con sectet uer neque</li> </ul>
<ol> <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte cons ectetuer tuer adipi sit amet magna scing elit</li> <li>Aliquam tincidunt cons ectetuer mauris eu risus</li> <li>Vestibulum auctor dapibus con sectet uer neque</li> </ol>
<dl> <dt>Magna comodo</dt> <dd>Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do</dd> <dt>Nullam wisi eu</dt> <dd>Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed.</dd> <dt>Auctor dapibus</dt> <dd> Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostru</dd> </dl>
these lists can be found in the doc (point 14))
@loz007 You need to replace existing images of these icons on your FTP with own.
Definition Lists