Revolution Slider Malfunctions
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So in each of our pages we use a static revolution slider to post a header image with a background image. Of the 5 pages that we have, 3 of the revolution sliders work and load properly. The homepage and FAQs do not. We have tried to problem solve from multiple angles. We don't believe it has to do with image size because we have shrunk them very small as well as made them normal size. I don't understand why some of the sliders would work but not the others.
I have not however updated to the revolution slider 5.1 as I am having difficult understanding how to use FTP. Any help would be very much appreciated.
because our theme does not have any impact on how rev slider works, we suggest to update plugin first. However, if this won't help, we suggest to remove slides for the pages where they do not work, copy working one and set them for pages where previous slides wasn't working.