I am trying to link the sliding box to a certain web page It is not being linked. What is the exact way i need to write in the destination address in the "LINK" 


  • I wrote the following format below: but it isn't being linked, what am i doing wrong?
  • Hi,

    the section to which you want link, must have own id but the link which is linking to that section, must have a link which looks like #link-to-section
  • Please elaborate:

    1)I don't understand what you mean by writing: "the section to which you want link, must have own id" ??I want to link it to an external web page. 

    2)Can a image slider box be linked to an external web page?
    3)If it cant be, then what element of Muffin Builder with and Image CAN we linked to an external web page?

    3) Any tutorials available for Muffin Builder Elements?
  • As well I couldnt get a link when using Image Box please let me know exactly what to indicate when linking to a different website of different web page.
  • 1) If you want link to external page, then it won't be possible to do it.

    2) If you mean Sliding Box item, then you can set any link you want inside.
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