PrettyPhoto Partially Stopped Working

edited February 2016 in Files & images

I've run into an issue in which the WP gallery shortcodes on the site's content type Pages have seen the images stop opening in prettyphoto lightbox.

Single images/videos still open fine. What's most confusing is the WP gallery shortcodes still open in lightbox as desired on Portfolio Item pages - just not on regular Pages....

I've tried everything that's been recommended, including removing all Custom CSS, disabling all plugins, using force regenerate thumbnails, etc and still no luck getting either previously working or newly created galleries to open in lightbox on Pages.

Here's an old page with non-working Gallery shortcode:
Here's a Portfolio Item gallery (that's setup the same yet works):
Here's a Page with individual image and video that both work:
Here's a page with a newly created gallery setup as a test (doesn't work):

Please let me know if any fix can be determined.



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