Change font and size of sliding box title


Is there a way to change the font and size of the title in a sliding box?  Thanks so much.


  • Hi,

    this can be done with custom css only. The font that you want to use instead, must be of course loaded under Theme options > Fonts > Family section.
  • Hi,

    Could you please tell me which of the Font Families apply to the titles in the sliding box?  Content, Main Menu, Page Title, Big Headings, Small Headings, Blockquote, Decorative?  

    Also, what would the custom css be for changing the font size in this sliding box?

    Another problem I am having is with the images in my Slider Box, the images do not zoom when you hover over them like they do in a photo box.  I have tried animation but that is not what I am looking for.  I want the images to zoom like they do in the demo for Hotel2.

    Thank you for your response.
  • 1. This font comes from Big Headings option.

    2. To change font size of this title, you need to use:
    .sliding_box .desc_wrapper h4 { font-size: 30px !important; }
    3. This is not possible unfortunately. Sliding Box item does not have such effect.
  • Hello,

    Thank you very much!
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