Button's onclick doesn't work!

Muffin Builder adding an href automatically that's the reason why onclick code dosen't work. It is worthless and I didn't use button. Please help me urgently!



  • Sorry but we don't get your question at all. Button have 2 different parameters. You can use onclick OR href so we don't get your question. This is how it exactly works.

    What you can also do is to add ;return false; at the end of your onclick action.
  • I tried to give a link to button. I used href this time. But it doesn't work too. When I click the button it's redirecting to the homepage(button is in homepage). I wish you could understand the problem this time cause its really annoying.

    Muffin builder's page:

    Source code:


    where href come from? or why href code is not complete?
  • By the way my theme is up to date.
  • Did you added return false; code to the onlick action? Sounds like you didn't and that's why your site refresh. This is how onclick works.

    The href, comes from the link attribute for button's shortcode.
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