Mobile menu not closed automatically

On tablet & phone, the responsive menu changes into the three stripes mode. But it's annoying that when I click one title, the menu list doesn't closed automatically, I have to click the menu again to close it. Is there a way to make it automatically closed upon click (touch)? Thanks!


  • Hey,

    we are sorry but we do not have such option included unfortunately.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • edited February 2016
    I bought this awesome theme for my client. Now he insist me to make such thing, I already explain about this theme's mobile menu behavior. Yet he doesn't want to hear any reason, for he's the one who pay for the theme.

    He wants it to behave like this:

    Please, help me. Isn't there any way to make it? With some CSS or JS file editing or something?
    I found something like this inside betheme/js folder , but I don't know is it changeable or how.

    // mobile ---------------------------------
    $( 'li', menu ).unbind('hover');
    $( 'li > .menu-toggle', menu ).off('click').on('click', function(){
    var el = $(this).closest('li');
    if( el.hasClass( options.hoverClass ) ){
    el.removeClass( options.hoverClass )
    .children('ul').stop(true,true).fadeOut( options.delay );
    } else {
    el.addClass( options.hoverClass )
    .children('ul').stop(true,true).fadeIn( options.delay );

  • You bought the wrong theme then. In reference to Item Support Policy, you get what you bought. And because it works exactly the same way on our demo, there is nothing what we can do for you. If you read the policy, you will understand that files customization are not allowed what means we do not offer such customization. All changes should be done by website developer. If you don't know how to change this behave, you should hire developer who would be able to do this.

    P.S. Like any other author, we are selling themes, not customization service. For customization are responsible website developers only.

  • Really sad to hear that. Thanks for the response.
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