Layout for blog page

edited February 2016 in Blog
Hi - 
1.I would like to use the grid layout for the blog page, from your theme options. However all my photos do not appear as the same size, so the layout looks bad. They line up at the top, but are not the same size. Is it possible using a certain image format for a neat appearance so that they all look the same size (similar to the way images appear on instagram pages). 

2. I also tried the masonry options, but the problem is there too. And when I try masonry tiles there is a darkness around the edge of the image which I don't like and would like to change.


  • Hi,

    1. If you want all images to be the same size, you need to upload them all with the same sizes because there is no other way to achieve what you ask for.

    2. So what exactly you want to do? Remove something or what? Would be great if you can present us on screenshot what you want to do exactly so we can avoid confuse.
  • Hi - I decided to use a grid from Visual Composer in the end. It was much easier and it gave me the look I wanted. Thank you!

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