Fatal error

Hello Just bought the Be Themen today and tried to install it.
The upload of the zip-file via WP admin did not work, because my Host does not allow uploads > 20 MB.
So I uploaded the files via FTP and then wanted to try the Be theme in WP which resultes in the following error message:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 30932992) (tried to allocate 768 bytes) in /homepages/40/d207182291/htdocs/legasthenie/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 1291

I even couldn't acces the WP admin site anymore.
Then I removed the BeTheme folder via FTP and at least I was able to access the WP admin area again but without Be Theme of course.

Any idea what I could do?

Many thanks for your help in advanvce.

Best regards



  • Hello,
    finally I managed to get the Theme installed. A fresh installation of both WP and the Theme helped.

    Unfortunately, the BeTheme Options don't work. Depending on which plugin is activate I either get a blank page or I get just the OptionPage but I can't select anything.

    My plugins are just the ones that came with the Theme namely:

    #1 Contact Form
    #2 Dublicate Post
    #3 Fore regen. Thumbnails
    #4 LayerSlider WP
    #5 Slider Revolution
    #6 Visual Composer

    If I activate none of them, I can access the Options site but cannot select anything.
    If I activate #1, #2, #3 and #4 I get the same.

    If I activete #5 in addition, I get this page:

    fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 31195136) (tried to allocate 15264 bytes) in /homepages/40/d207182291/htdocs/legasthenie/wp-includes/functions.php on line 345

    If I activete #6 in addition, I get a blank page.

    So I guess this is a kind of a memory problem?

    My host is 1und1, PHP is 5.4.45., the server is a reagular "shared" one.

    What can I do. Your help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Hi,

    you need to contact with your admin because you don't have enough memory on your server and that's why you got this information. This problem is not related with theme at all.
  • Hello,
    Many thanks for the hint although I think this memory issue is a kind of requirement of that template, isn't it?

    Anyway, how much memory do I need?

    Kind regrads

  • No, it's not because everything depends on what exactly you got on this server and what you do. We have customers with 32MB or even less and theme works fine. So everything depends on servers settings and it's configuration.
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