Betheme And Revolution Slider malfunction
I used the default theme to use for my website! And as i know the revolution slider section is imbedded in the hompage section of the theme layout.
When a slider is selected, an Revolution Slider error message appears at the top of the homepage, indicating that the slider alias has to be HOMEPAGE.
So i changed the slider alias to home page and the slider appeared at the top of the homepage which i want!
I then changed a few settings in the bethem options. returned to my website and saw my revolution slider does not appear at the top anymore, instead it is in the bottom of the page.. Which was confusing. There also seems to be a header bar that says 'home'.
I think that is the problem, but i cant seem to fix it. The Revolution slider for the hompage has somehow been pushed to the bottom of the page, and i cant move it to the top ....
can someone help..? take a look at what im talking about:
i will appreciate if you guys can help me, as Revolution Slider's support team have been absolutely rubbish in addressing this issue.
Thank you
from current site, we have no idea what you did exactly but if you had a message about not existing slider alias homepage, it means you simply forgot to import slider for the demo what has been explained on
But to increase logo size, please go to Theme options > Global > Logo section where this can be done.