responsive list problem

Thus is the my page that have responsive problem:
I made a list in column features, and the list responsive not work well on mobile: I can not see all the text, the text is cut. you can see here:

This is the code I added to the column feature:
Here is a screenshot:
[google_font font="Great Vibes" size="60" weight="400" italic="0" color="#f6b242" subset=""]Stay in touch with everyone you love[/google_font]
[google_font font="Open Sans" size="35" weight="400" italic="0" color="#ffffff" subset=""]with <strong>TalknSave</strong>[/google_font]
<ul style="margin-top:4%; color:#ffffff;font-size: 23px;line-height: 25px;">
<li>Bring your Smartphone to Israel!</li>
<li>Get a virtual US number making you reachable in Israel!</li>
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<li>Get personal Wi-fi Hotspots and Netsticks as well!</li>

Thanks in advance!


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