Showing the excerpts / content

Hello there,


On my blog and whatever the layout I have been trying, the excerpt do not appear in the list of the posts. Only the time and the title do appear.


I looked into the code: the file “content-post.php” seems to be the one to modify. I found that there is indeed a command “get_the_excerpt()” in it but (line 199), but it returns NULL.

I then checked that the $post variable is indeed also null.

I tried to add the_post(); the line before but it does not work.

It seems strange to me since this line (199) is indeed within the “if ( $query->have_posts() ){ while ( $query->have_posts() ){  $query->the_post();” condition (line 30).


What I do not understand is that the commands get_the_title() and get_the_permalink() and (line 193) are working while the commands get_the_excerpt() or more importantly get_the_content are returning a null string.


It might be that some filters are applied there that filter out the excerpt or the content, but I would need to make both display on the blog main page.

Could you help me with that problem ?

Here is my url:


Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,


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