How do I try out demos, but revert back to default?

I am building a site using the default template, but I like features I have seen in some of the demos so I want to load them to see the settings. For example, I want to see the settings for the icons in Beauty 2. How do I load the demo, but be able to revert back to what I was working on in the default template? I tried doing that and lost my custom CSS changes I had made to the default. Thanks!


  • Hi,

    just create extra wp instance where you can import demos and check how some things were made.
  • Hi there. Do you mean install a second child theme? I tried doing that, but I must not have created it correctly because the changes I was making to the second child were being made on the original child theme. So I removed the second child theme and now the changes I am making to the original child theme are not sticking. For instance, I add an icon box, save changes, updated the page, but it's reverting back and not saving my changes. I suppose I messed something up in the database which I'm not good at dealing with. The only thing I can think of is to uninstall Wordpress and start over. Can I get a ZIP from you for a second child thing? Or is this not the extra wp instance you are talking about? Thanks!
  • I'm using the default template and Muffin Builder. I noticed that I can make changes outside of the Muffin Builder and they stick. For example, the title of a page. But when I try to add a new icon box, the change doesn't stick. It reverts back. I contacted my host and they ran tests on the server and think it's something with the functionality of the Muffin Builder because he could see all changes are saving correctly on his end.

    Do you need to get into my Wordpress and take a look?
  • No, this is not what we mean. We mean to create EXTRA (Another one/Additional) WP where you may import different demos and learn how some things were done.

    In reference to 2nd question, you are unable to save the content only because of the limits on your server side. More details about that you can read in the following topic - you should hire better admin because looks like current one have no idea what is he talking about.
  • Ok thanks I will contact the host about the vars limit!

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to install another instance of WP because of the limitations of my hosting plan (allows only one install). Will I be able to install the theme on local host and try demos out there? 
  • Yes, you can install it on localhost of course.
  • It won't let me which is why I asked. I have WAMP, a fresh install of Wordpress, and when I try to add the theme I get a page that says "Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again". Any ideas?
  • I just copied it directly in the themes folder and that worked, thanks!
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