Bug Mulfin Builder-Yoast Plugin
There is a big bug in BeTheme, someting is not working properly, every time i change keyword in the text of muffin builder and after go to control this change in Yoast SEO Plugin, the problem begin and repeat and starts to fail at random and despite recording the changes in Mufiin builder if you look after is not done when you see the page.
First change of keyword (see image - First)
After save the changes in Muffin Builder (see image)
It is very frustrating and there is no way to fix it , I've made the changes more than 12 times , sometimes it works and then whether to make another change again, the first one is gone and i must start again.
There is a big bug in BeTheme, someting is not working properly, every time i change keyword in the text of muffin builder and after go to control this change in Yoast SEO Plugin, the problem begin and repeat and starts to fail at random and despite recording the changes in Mufiin builder if you look after is not done when you see the page.
First change of keyword (see image - First)
After save the changes in Muffin Builder (see image)
It is very frustrating and there is no way to fix it , I've made the changes more than 12 times , sometimes it works and then whether to make another change again, the first one is gone and i must start again.
I beg urgent solution , you can not work this way
we are pretty sure that problem is on your end only. Please send us working images first so we can check what you mean exactly because so far it's not clear.
I send you the dropbox link where the images with the bug ares
The keyword SEGURO DE BARCO is an example, each time I save the change and I go to Yoast Plugin to see the seo effects, when i look a the web page in the navigator the keyword has disappears all along the page where it is included.
¡ And i have made this process more a 12 times ....!
¿Can you, please, tell me step by step how this kind of process can be done properly in orden not to rewrite the changes one and again ?
Another point wihis is not clear for me
¿How can i insert a link into the muffin builder from a column into a wrap section like the follow to another page of my webpage?
<li style="list-style-image: url(http://segurosdeembarcaciones.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/home_insurance_list_icon.png); padding-left: 6px;"><a href="#">Institute yacht clauses-Seguro para Barco - Condiciones Inglesas</a></li>
The link must go in the bold words
In reference to 2nd question, you can paste html code inside items like Column that allow to use html code.
Is not the answer i,m try to find, l explain the problem again:
You said " you need to use Builder >> SEO option" ..... I already done and it,s not working properly, i am pretty sure too i,m doing the procces like you tell me:
1.- wrote the changes in muffin builder (keywords for SEO Yoast Plugin)
2.- Update the page in wordpress option
3.- Use Seo Option to "collect content from Muffin Builder Elements and copy it into the WordPress Editor"
and....somethimes it,s work, another not, and the worst of all is that process erase the keywords trough every single place in the whole page where it was wrote, and i,ve been trying more than 12 times.
I asked for a "step by setp" instructions and you have not respond to my question., you,ve just pointed me another forum where nothing is resolved.
Please, give me a clear "step by step" intructions about the process to follow about the question, that,s is what i,m asking for, theres nothing about this in the theme documentation.
I have the same problem in reference to 2and question: the code is already in the column ( is one of your demo themes), what i, m asking for is how exactly insert a link into the follow bold words to another page in my web.
[divider height="40"]
<h2>Seguro de Barco a Motor Barato<br />Comparativa Seguro para Embarcaciones a Motor</h2>
[divider height="30"]
<h5>Descubre como asegurar a precios imbatibles una embarcación a motor. Comparar y ahorrar hasta el 50% del seguro de un barco a motor nunca ha sido tan fácil</h5>
[divider height="30"]
[button title="Solicitar Seguro Barco Motor" icon="icon-retweet" icon_position="right" link="#" color="#90ce33" font_color="#fff" large="1"]
Image link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hw7s778z5lgzu0n/LINKS INSIDE TABS INTO A COLUMN .jpg?dl=0
P.S. We sent this topic to 2 different colleagues (English Native Speakers) and they told us that have no idea what you ask for as well. So looks like your explanation is not good enough not only for us. They told us that explanation with Builder >> SEO option we gave you already should be enough but if it's not what you are looking for, they also have no idea what else you might ask for.
And because we still have no idea about your request, we leave 'step by step' explanation what has been already explained in above topic:
1. Do necesary changes in Muffin Builder, add keywords, etc.
2. Click blue 'Update' button in the right top corner
3. After save and page reload click 'Builder >> SEO' tab, above default WP editor
4. Once again click 'Update' button in the right top corner
5. Go to YOAST tab
The steps mentioned are exactly what I have done before making the query and
sometimes randomly fail and delete the affected keyword changed all along the
entire page leaving the place where the keyword was empty withour text, and
if you don,t believe me i could tape a step by setp video to send you in
order to show the bug process.:
About the 2ª point:
How to put a link within the code I put you in my previous reply to another
page inside o to another web page.
In this portion of code
[button title=[button title="Solicitar Seguro Barco Motor" icon="icon-retweet" icon_position="right" link="#" color="#90ce33" font_color="#fff" large="1"]" icon="icon-retweet" icon_position="right" link="#" color="#90ce33" font_color="#fff" large="1"]
¿ how coud i put a link to another page into my website into the bold text:
"Solicitar Seguro Barco Motor"
I don,t understand the follow intruction you gave me:
"you can paste html code inside items like Column that allow to use
html code"
I don,t know how to put html in this area, coud you give and example please
2. The shortcode you pasted is wrong. You put one shortcode into another what is not allowed. But to set the link inside this shortcode, you need to replace # with link. We suggest to check http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/#muffin-builder where all shortcodes has been described.
Back to the problems of Yoast with Muffin Editor and to show you that the
update process don,t work fine and definitely show that After save and page reload click
'Builder >> SEO' tab, the problems arrive i send the images with the subjet
before and after the reload "Builder SEO Tab in Muffin Builder Update...
The Keyword define properly in Yoast disappears again all along the page
Then that,s definitely a big bug of the theme between Yoast Pluging and
and your Muffin Builder, and another point must be clear, i did checked
too it on 2 hosting servers and the problem persist
Version Pluggin : Yoast SEO Premium V.3.0.6
¿ Any Soluctions?
Links to images proving the bug:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xj6oc7ge7pnr5v9/1º state-before keyword change in Yoast-ANOTHER PLACE IN THE PAGE WHERE THE KEYWORDS IS FINE.jpg?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngxej4pytofdluy/1º state-before keyword change in Yoast.jpg?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8jlsgd0hgjmaeh/2º state-After update keyword changes in Yoast.jpg?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/g234yw4rsx8ej4b/2º-2 state-After update keyword changes in Yoast-KEYWORD IS GONE-ANOTHER PLACE IN PAGE.jpg?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/3foev6uz9ccu9id/2º-2 state-After update keyword changes in Yoast-KEYWORD IS GONE.jpg?dl=0