BeBar navbar
Hi there,
I've already imported via the demo data but the header looks nothing like the one in
I see the default BeTheme header instead. So I tried setting the header style to "Split Menu", then I see the logo in the middle, but all other menu items flushed to the left. How can I get the menu items to display 2 on the left and 2 on the right?
Kindly advise. Thanks.
we suggest to check Appearance > System Status section because this is probably the reason why import does not work properly for you.
theme and that's why you don't have any issues under System Status
section. The problem might be related with functions that are not
supported by your hosting, chmods and other stuff. We suggest to check topics in Google to know some possible reasons.
This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number