Colors - Mobile Navigation and Action Bar on Desktop

Hi, I've spent quite a lot of time in your forums trying to solve my problem using BeTheme (everything is up to date with the latest version of WP)... but I'm still stumped. My site is live at ...

1. Desktop Navigation -

As the site is now, the coloring works... but I'd prefer it if the background of the 'action bar' was white, while the rest of the text/icons/social media icons where all blue... with a lighter blue on hover... but the only way I can find to get those colors changed in the action bar is by changing text/link colors throughout the site - which doesn't work because the site is an opposite color from the site's header...

2. Mobile Navigation -

Is a mess - I need to remove all of the action bar stuff (phone number, email, social, etc.) from mobile view and I'm not sure why the submenu area is grey on mobile. I have changed CSS to make the menu icon appear white but that's about as far as I could get...

Sorry if this is confusing. I'm kind of lost. Been looking at the site too long I think! Anyway, if you can decipher what I'm trying to ask and could help, I'd be ever so grateful! Thanks in advance and amazing work with this theme.



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