Buttons and menu button features on Be Theme - VIDEO ( demo)


I have just recently installed the BEtheme and BE Child theme. After this, I have added VIDEO Demo. However, the menu button does not remain as in the demo when I update the menu to overlay menu. And options give me only the follwing button options - default, flat and stroke and not the rounded button as in the demo.

How can I maintain the Menu ( size and position) as in the DEMO and have rounded buttons as in the DEMO. ( for example : "see more button on the home page of VIDEO demo).



  • Hi,

    please send us link to page where you want to change buttons style and also please show us on screenshot what kind of buttons you want to have exactly.
  • edited March 2016

    Hello ,

    Please see the home page I have created using the VIDEO Theme. It is almost the same as the original demo layout.

    1. When the demo was downloaded - the menu icon was the way it is on the theme ( a bold version). However, the overlay menu was not available on the downloaded theme. So, I have forced the header -> layout to overlay menu. When I do that, the menu icon becomes small and inconspicuous. ( like the way it is now). Can I have the menu icon as same as the demo and have the overlay menu as well. Iif you could give me an option where I can adjust the size and position of current menu icon (to what it is in the demo) that should be good enough.

    2. Please see the "see more" in the columns below the slider image. I don't see the rounded buttons (as in the demo)  anymore on the main page. Also, I don't see them as an option in the global -> generic-> options.

    We like the demo so much and wanted to keep the look as close to the original look as much as possible.I was planning to use the rounded buttons where ever the demo pages has it. We are using the layout exactly as is.

    *** ACCESS REMOVED ***
  • We removed your access because of security reasons. It's public section. If you want to send us any details, you should send them privately.

    Before we removed this access, we logged in but with no result. Even after log-in, we still saw maintenance mode.

    1. On Be|Video demo, to increase overlay icon size, we used the following css:
    .header-overlay .overlay-menu-toggle { font-size: 70px !important; }
    2. Like we wrote above, we can not see it. Please send us working access privately.
  • edited March 2016

     Thank you!!! My Bad!!! I didn't realise this was the discussion forum message. I had posted a private message to you as well. I have just sent you a private message on the http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup link as suggested by you. I have now promoted your login to admin so now you should be able to login.

    The new password is sent to via email.

    Please see.


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